Cybersecurity, Data Privacy, Cryptocurrency
HLG was Founded by attorneys who stay at the forefront of technology and tech law precedence. You can trust HLG with all your technology law needs.
HLG sees cybersecurity, data privacy, and cryptocurrency as the critical bleeding edge of success for your business. HLG offers robust draft, review, or negotiation techniques for all tech, SaaS, and crypto law agreements. We also offer expertise in creating privacy and security policies and negotiating and mitigating data privacy risks through reviewing vendor or crypto transactions and commercial contracts.
Our other focus area is partnering with you to ensure you comply with the numerous domestic and international laws (Texas Cybersecurity Act, GDPR, NIST, EU-US Privacy Shield, CCPA, HIPAA, and COPPA, for instance). We know these matters can frequently result in disputes or litigation, and our attorneys have experience in prosecuting and defending these matters through trial.
We have successfully delivered several client wins in this area including:
SaaS Agreements
License Agreements
Software Agreements
Service Agreements
Data Privacy, Data Security, and Incident Response
Crypto Agreements, Policies, and Procedures for Business